Coronavirus Anxiety: Work Your Way Through the Pandemic

It's been a few months now since the government ordered an enhanced community quarantine due to the Coronavirus outbreak. As a result, some get to work from home and still be able to provide for their family. Unfortunately, there are also some whose earnings are greatly affected by the quarantine.

Written by Allan Esquivel | On June 3, 2020

Coronavirus Anxiety: Work Your Way Through the Pandemic

Due to the Coronavirus, we are all encouraged to stay at home. However, it’s already been a couple of months since the enhanced community quarantine took effect. Some of us might be starting to get that restless feeling by now. First, there’s the fear that the number of infected people is still increasing. Then there’s the stress of thinking how to get through the day with little to no source of income at all. Some might also be anxious about the situation and when it will get better. 

These kinds of emotions need not be battled in silence. It certainly does not help either if we just disregard mental health issues caused by the Coronavirus outbreak. Therefore, we want to share some tips which might help manage our anxieties.

Start your day with a positive thought

We are in a crisis now and still don’t know when we’ll overcome this Coronavirus pandemic. Thus, it might help if we establish something we can ground ourselves on. Think of at least one thing to be grateful for during this time. For example, there’s always the chance to bond and know that our loved ones are safe every day.

Go for a walk once in a while

I know this sounds contradicting to the stay-at-home order while on community quarantine. Staying active though can help us recover from bouts of depression. When we need to buy some of our needs, we could just walk instead of using our cars. Just keep in mind the social distancing rules. If you’re apprehensive about going outside like some of us, you can still do some mini workouts at home. Let’s obtain those muscle cuts while clearing our minds; two birds with one stone.

Make a schedule

It’s very important to make a schedule of what we’re going to do next so we won’t feel lost or bored. Not only will it make things easier to remember, it will also make us feel in control of the situation. We’ll also have something to look forward to.

Eat healthy food

I know it’s hot outside and all you want is to drink your favourite milk tea with added pearls. But why don’t we also take advantage of the situation we’re in right now and eat plenty of healthy food? Not only will it boost our immune system but there are foods that can also help ease our stress. Some of these include nuts, citrus fruits, and dark chocolates. 

Get enough sleep

Has this ever happened to you: “Just one more episode” until you realise that it’s now 5:00 AM? We are all guilty of that, don’t worry. Making it a habit of staying up late watching our favourite K-drama or playing our favourite game works as a temporary escape. It won’t do us any good in the long run though. Lack of sleep may increase the risk of our anxiety attacks and depression. Thus, like I said before, making a schedule will help us keep on track. We can still allot time for our intimate escapes. But let’s also ensure that we get enough sleep so that our bodies can recharge for the next day.

Talk to a friend

Yes, that friend you’ve always talked to about your beloved series, your love woes, and your rants in life. Your favorite human that you know can understand you. The one you can freely share about what you feel, no holds barred. That important person is just one phone call or chat away. Now is the time to reconnect with them. Having someone you can talk to about what you think and what upsets you can help ease the stress building up inside you.


Our hospitals are getting full and most of the clinics are closed. But this pandemic is gradually shifting mindsets to make every need still accessible. Thus, there are consultations available online that we can also tap for our mental health. With that in mind and with the help of these tips, we hope that we can all cope from our stress and worries during these times.



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