Why SSA eCourses?

Why SSA eCourses?

The work landscape is constantly changing and if you want you and your team to stay relevant, you have to continuously reskill and upskill

Singapore's SkillsFuture Critical Core Skills

Singapore's SkillsFuture Critical Core Skills

The skills that are featured in our IR 4.0 Skills series are based on Singapore's SkillsFuture Critical Core Skills They are contextualized and developed to caterto the needs of the Philippine market.

Ubiquitous and Convenient

Ubiquitous and Convenient

Now, you could learn anywhere! Gone are the days that you have to be in front of your computer to finish an online course. As long as you have your mobile device and an internet connection, you could take any of our eCourses.

Flexible Learning Experience

Flexible Learning Experience

Some people learn best on their own; others prefer learning in groups. At SSA Philippines, we also offer blended learning along side our eCourses.



Nowadays, everything is fast paced. People are either always busy or always distracted. Attention span is becoming shorter and shorter and learners have a tendency to be impatient. A way to make learning easier and more engaging for the learners is to package them in bite-size chunks.

IR 4.0 Skills

IR 4.0 Skills

IR 4.0 Skills

Future-Proof yourself, your team, and your business by taking our eCourses! You can now learn at your own pace, time, and convenience! Our eCourses are designed to help you acquire, hone, and refine the soft skills which are vital in IR 4.0’s ever-changing workplace.

Choose from any of the three clusters that we offer to upgrade your skills:

  • Your Thinking Skills
  • Your People Skills
  • Essential Skills for Supervisors

Our IR 4.0 Skills Series

Our IR 4.0 Skills Series

Power Skills

Power Skills

Power Skills

Calling soft skills “soft” no longer makes sense, it connotes that they are lesser skills, when in truth they are anything but! Now, more than ever, they are crucial in the in the workplace. That is why there is a movement to reframe soft skills and to call them for what they actually are, “Power Skills”.

Choose from any of the four micro-eLearning courses that we offer to upgrade your skills:

  • Communication and Teamwork
  • Leadership and Management
  • Productivity and Collaboration
  • Personal Development and Wellness

Our Power Skills Series

Our Power Skills Series